The Holy Prophet-SW is commanded to recite the Quran and establish Salat. He-SW must read out the Quran to others without caring whether anyone becomes a believer or not, and establish worship. It is imperative that the Quran be constantly propagated while the propagator must himself observe his worships with diligence. As a result of worships one is blessed with the capacity to abstain from iniquity and evil.
The Effects Of Salah And Propagation Of The Quran
It is indeed a sublime quality of the Quran that when a person discourses on any point by way of sermon, irrespective of whether the other accepts you or not, he himself acquires the capacity to act upon it. Similarly Salat, which is an attendance in the Court of the Absolute, if not offered merely as a ritual, prevents the worshipper from evil. It is apparent logically. Anyone who has already attended the Mighty Court and knows that he has to attend it again after a few hours will certainly refrain from His-SWT disobedience. At the same time it generates abhorrence for sin in the heart. And Allah-SWT’s Zikr is indeed the greatest.
Zikr Allah-SWT
It is strange that Commentators are often cursory on this topic. Where they do dwell on it only its merits are recounted. The basic question is what after all is Zikr Allah-SWT , and how is it to be done? If it is said that Zikr Allah-SWT here refers to noble deeds, then the recitation of the Quran and Salat are Zikr by themselves. It would mean that two types of Zikr is already being done; orally by reciting the Quran, and both oral as well as physical or practical through Salat. So the declaration that Allah-SWT’s Zikr is the highest alludes to something over and above recitation and Salat. This indeed is Zikr-e-Qalbi, so induced into the Companions'-RAU Qulub by the Holy Prophet-SW’s Tawajjuh and his-SW company that their flesh, blood and even bones, in fact each and every cell of their bodies became engaged in Allah-SWT’s Zikr. This blessing was transferred to the Tab’ain from the bosoms of the Companions-RAU who in turn passed it on to the Tab'a Tab’ain. The chosen servants of Allah-SWT succeeding them dedicated their lives to acquire Zikr-e-Qalbi from their accomplished predecessors, to pass it down to their successors through Tawajjuh and Ilqa. They came to be known as Shaikh or Pir. Thus the Orders of Tasawwuf were formed and the discipline developed, like the disciplines of Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh. This is the only blessing, which once acquired not only transforms one’s practical life but also purifies the inner desires. No doubt Allah-SWT is well Aware of whatever people do. He-SWT knows the conduct of those who remember Him-SWT and are righteous, as well as the rebellious and the impudent lot.
No Quarrel In Propagation
The People of the Book must be invited to the truth, but not through dispute. Propagation must be earned out in a congenial manner. However, if anyone of them resorts to quarrelling or disputation, the believers must suitably defend themselves. But they must never initiate a dispute, rather explain to them that common precepts exist between the two. For instance, the Muslims believe in the Quran as well as the Books that were revealed unto the preceding nations. Similarly their Books also foretell the revelation of the Quran, and enjoin belief in the One and Only Allah-SWT like it does.
Belief In The Torah And The Bible
Here, belief alludes to acknowledging that the preceding Divine Books were also true in their original and not the present interpolated versions. However, it is not proper to derive any authority over issues of the permissible and the forbidden from these Books Rather the People of the Book are being invited to the fact that once they accept their own Books, they will have to believe in the Quran too. In fact those who had true faith in the preceding Divine Books also believed in the Holy Prophet-SW. And those who dispute in the revelations of Allah-SWT are surely infidels, who did not believe in the preceding Divine Books. They demonstrated their disbelief by interpolating them and are now denying the Quran.
A Unique Miracle Of The Holy Prophet-SW
The Holy Prophet-SW lived his-SW life amidst the people he-SW invited to the Quran. They were fully aware of the fact that he-SW could neither read nor write. And when the Quran was revealed to him-SW, he-SW gave a solution to each and every issue of life. Can there be any greater evidence to his-SW truthfulness, or a greater miracle? Despite this the malefactors are harbouring doubts about him-SW. These Ayat are indeed candid and crystal clear. It is only the knowledgeable who fully appreciate them while the unjust and transgressors only resort to controversy. In spite of this unique miracle, they demand why a miracle is not sent unto them. The Holy Prophet-SW must tell them that the manifestation of miracles is Allah-SWT’s domain, while his-SW duty is to forewarn them over the realities of the Akhirah. This is merely an absurd objection because the Quran itself is a great miracle. It is read over to them and has simultaneously addressed the problems facing the humanity in their entirety, and has given the best solutions. It is a source of Divine Mercy, as it also addresses all the issues pertaining to the Akhirah. What a Magnificent Book indeed! Besides giving admonition, it also embeds the remembrance of Allah-SWT into the hearts of the believers.